Stupid Is As Stupid Does

Monday, May 08, 2006


Almost a week ago, my mom and pops have just arrived in Jakarta. They stayed at my sisters house, in Kelapa Gading. The house is mediocre, but its nice and comfy.

There are air conditioner in every room. Beda banget dengan kamar gw yang udah sempit, sumpek, panas, berantakan pula. ^o^. Rumahnya dua, bersebelahan. Konon yang sebelah ada jinnya. Ahaha.

Enaknya lagi, letaknya Cuma selemparan kancut dengan boulevard Kelapa Gading yang surganya makanan itu. Dari sea food, siomay, sampai junk food tersedia.

Usia kehamilan kakak gw sekarang sudah mencapai bulan ke-9. Kelahirannya sendiri diperkirakan pada tanggal 12 Mei mendatang. Soon, im gonna be an uncle! ^o^.

Oh ya, it’s a boy. Yes, it means gw bisa ngebeliin ponakan gw boys toys yang keren2. heheh. Namanya masih tentatif. Tapi, kemungkinan bernama Rafi, diambil dari bahasa Arab yang berari “yang terhormat”.

Well, its always nice to have your family nearby. You feel complete again. Sejak gw dan kakak gw ke Jakarta, kita nyaris tak memiliki waktu bersama. Makan semeja, atau sekedar chit-chat biasa. Man, that momen was precious

Especially for my mom. As a matter a fact, she always treats me as if I was still a her little boy. Hehehe. She cooks for me, make me nice hot tea, and take care of me. I’m sick. I’ve got hard cough. And I cant smoke. Sigh.

Because Sunday was my day off. So I decided to take a walk in the Kelapa Gading mall. The distance between my sister’s house and the mall is only 100 meters away. So, within 10 minuets, I’ve already parked my motor on the parking lot.

What annoys me is that, the parking lot is located far far behind the La Piazza buildings. So, you must walk across it to be able to reach the mall.

The Brightside is you get to know the cozy atmosphere in La Piaza. There was a mini stage, and band who played a 80’s-romantic-jazzy songs. It made me sat for a while (on the stairs), and felt the vibe. Im not alone, because a lot of couple was standing with me and enjoying the songs.

..halah capek pake Inggris. English mode off

Sampe mana tadi, oh ya, sebagai daerah Utara, sebenarnya kawasan La Piaza ini sangat pas buat hang out. Eksterior gedungnya menarik, café-cafenya udah mulai banyak, dan masih pada sepi lagi. It was so cool.

Sampe situ, tiba-tiba hape gw berbunyi. Its from Bobby, yang bilang kalau lagi ada di Pondok Indah bareng sepupunya. Ia Tanya kapan gw balik ke kos, dan minta dijemput di PI, soalnya besok harus kembali ke Bogor lagi untuk nego harga.

Karena posisi, gw di Gading, jadi gw suruh Ulum untuk menjemput.

Later on, ada SMS lagi masuk. Dari Bobby.
“Memang cekatan sekali teman kita sob!, ak nang pondok indah, disusul nang plaza Indonesia,”

*oh my god…

On the contrary, ada kabar buruk dari Surabaya. Mbak Anita, teman gw dulu di Jawa Pos meninggal dunia. She was a very nice person. Kita doakan saja semoga saja dia diterima disisi-Nya, alright?


  • huahuahua pondok indah ama plaza senayan mirippp kokkk hihihi salam kenal deh u Ulum! he rocks! ekekekekek

    turut berduka cita untuk Mbak Anita, semoga diterima amal ibadahnya. amin.

    By Blogger tukangpot, At 4:53 AM  

  • tapi di kelapa gading ga boleh motret. gue pernah ditegur satpam gitu gara2 motret. damn!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 7:57 PM  

  • Great site loved it alot, will come back and visit again.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 12:19 PM  

  • Looks nice! Awesome content. Good job guys.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 12:19 PM  

  • Nice! Where you get this guestbook? I want the same script.. Awesome content. thankyou.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 5:23 PM  

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